What happens when you type https://www.holbertonschool.com in your browser and press Enter

2 min readApr 26, 2021
Web Server Diagram

When you type this URL in the browser, a number of things occur. First, is a DNS request. A DNS request is when the browser finds out where to get the IP address from which the server is actually hosted. Next is TCP/IP. Now that the browser knows where the IP address is, this is when it actually attempts to connect to that server. Next it must deal with the firewall. The firewall basically only allows only certain data to come in through certain ports. If the firewall allows the browser to connect, it can continue. There are two common protocols for transferring data to and from web servers, HTTP, and HTTPS. HTTP means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTPS means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. The secure version encrypts the data, unlike regular HTTP which sends data in plain text. After this, we will encounter a load balancer. Many servers do this to direct traffic to one of multiple web servers, as to not overwhelm one of them. The actual data of interest is stored on the web servers and application servers. These will contain HTML for the website as well as any other code that runs the site. These will often be connected to a database such as SQL, where things like user data would be stored. These are the steps that occur when you access a website through a browser.

